B2B tech & marketing writer

Ever feel like your brand gets lost in the digital noise?

Getting people to your website is great, but what you really want is content that doesn’t just attract visitors — it converts them into quality leads AND leaves a lasting impression.

Curious about how to make that happen?

Let’s discuss

Hi! I'm Lakshmi.

As a B2B tech and marketing writer with over seven years of experience, I understand the challenges SMBs face in standing out online. That’s why I create concise, data-driven content that cuts through the noise and resonates with your target audience.

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Lakshmi is a talented copywriter and has been an incredible asset to our content team. She has written blog and website copy for multiple clients, and delivers each project on time and, with little to no revisions needed.

I highly recommend her for anyone looking to add support from a dependable, creative content writer to their team.

- Ashley Velez, Content Lead - Audacity Marketing

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If this sounds like you...

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Business Growth Achievement

Your business is gaining momentum, and you want to improve your brand visibility and reach with content marketing.

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Light Bulb Bright Idea Innovation Business Free Form

You have valuable expertise and customer success stories to share, but aren't sure how to craft it into compelling form.

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You know that your business has a lot of potential and could do a lot more but aren’t sure where to begin.

I’m here to help.

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Your blog section is more than just for pushing content. It’s one of the few areas through which you can build authentic connections with your audience. I craft each blog to position you as the authority through data-driven insights, real-life examples, and customer stories that resonate with your ideal clients — all carefully tailored to your unique voice and message.

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Leave bland emails behind. I specialize in conversational messages that feel like friendly chats. Whether it's newsletters, promotions, or automated journeys, send emails that deepen engagement with current customers and attract new leads — and most of all, get your emails noticed and remembered from the hundreds swarming in your audience’s inboxes.

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Website Copy & Landing Pages

First impressions make lasting impacts, so I craft all website copy to highlight your unique value, benefits, and appeal. From landing pages to About sections, I deliver concise and captivating content that grabs attention and lays the foundation for a strong positive brand impression.

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Content Optimization

Your content isn't static; it evolves. I optimize your posts for brevity, relevancy to the current climate, tone, and keywords to ensure it is as useful, relevant and engaging as possible for your target audience.

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Lakshmi is an expert writer and data journalist. She is extremely hardworking and a fast learner. She is great at analyzing data and drawing insights. Her attention to detail is on point and her content needs minimal editing.

She is very reliable, and I could always count on her to deliver content on time. I highly recommend Lakshmi to anyone looking for a talented writer for SEO blogs or data driven articles.

- Nithya Konduru, Content Lead - Resulta

I really enjoy working with Lakshmi! Not only is she reliable and timely with her work, but she also does thorough research to create unique, valuable, and fresh content.

In addition, Lakshmi does a wonderful job of meeting the requirements of content briefs and style guides in order to fulfill a brand's specific needs. Would definitely recommend her if you’re looking for highly-researched, well-articulated pieces!

- Amy Phillips

Senior Managing Editor, Growth Machine

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I’ve worked with:

Creating B2B content that works

A few examples of successful projects...

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BoFU content drove 24% of the new visitors

I wrote a multi-part bottom-of-the-funnel (BoFU) blog series for a tech provider for manufacturers. Each post provided specific, solution-oriented tips and examples clients could implement immediately.

Within 6 months, the series achieved:

  • Over 12,000 pageviews across four posts
  • An average of 175 qualified leads per month from form submissions
  • Traffic from the series accounted for 24% of new visitors to the site
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Martech content brings a 28% increase in sign-ups

For a martech company, I worked on a content hub, explaining how to optimize different aspects of the sales funnel using their solution.

And here are the results:

  • Four of these blogs are currently ranking on the first page of Google
  • One of the blogs have became their most shared content, driving a 28% increase in free trial sign-ups compared to previous months.
  • This spike in leads allowed their sales team to fill their pipeline with qualified prospects and projected a 20% increase in their annual recurring revenue.

Want to attract & retain your people through meticulously crafted content?

Let’s work together