Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 09 February 2021

This website is owned by Lakshmi Padmanaban, and this page outlines how your data is collected and utilized.

Personal Information

We collect your name and email address solely to keep you informed about new services, blogs, or resources. This information is used for sending emails related to subscribed services or purchased products/services from the website.

Changes or Deletion of Personal Data

You can request the removal or editing of your personal data by contacting us at We will make the changes within 24-48 hours.

Usage Data

We collect usage data like your IP address and browser details to enhance your viewing experience.


We use cookies and tracking data to improve our service. You can modify your browser settings to refuse cookies, although this might disrupt your experience. We utilize session cookies, security cookies, and preference cookies.

For services, we may link to third-party payment gateways. Please note that our privacy policy doesn't cover the details provided on these platforms. Refer to their privacy policies for information.


We may disclose your data in compliance with legal obligations or to protect the rights of Lakshmi Padmanaban, users, or the public.


While we take measures to protect your information, exercise caution and safeguard your personal data. We use third-party services like Google Analytics, Jet Pack, and email marketing services. Refer to the privacy policies of these services to understand how your data is handled.

Links to other websites on our platform are beyond our responsibility. We recommend reading their privacy policies for data security.

This privacy policy may be updated; check the last updated date at the top of this page. For questions, email